Virtual Meeting Panel slide   

Since the 2020 Pandemic began, my design work for meetings has virtually disappeared. I used to do banners, signage, menus, apps, badges, podiums, wall clings, programs, etc. for events from coast to coast. And then I would travel out to the events and work them as a tech expert. What fun staying at luxury hotels, meeting tons of people, eating gourmet food, and working really long hard hours. Lord! I miss it!

But I’m nothing if not adaptable. I’ve been doing graphic design for virtual meetings. Because having graphics helps relieve the monotony of Zoom talking heads, and gives people a break from feeling like they have to look alert for hours because they’re on camera. I made over 100 PowerPoint slides for one meeting. There were slides several opening slides and slides for each panel, with the name & photo of all the members of the panel. Then a version of that slide, with “Up Next.” Then individual slides for each speaker, in case their video goes out. And an overall “Please stand by” for technical difficulties. 

Virtual Meeting Speaker slide 1

I’ve learned how to do 3D design (mainly to build my robot minions) for printing and animation. More about that in my next blog!